Friday, February 12, 2010

are things clear here? They were fine in the pencil sketch but I thought it would be better to use a flat black so i hit it up with a photoshop brush. Maybe more details in the rats?

I would ultimately like to do a lino cut of this for the assignment


  1. at first look I couldn't see the legs of the woman, but I think it was because I was paying more attention with the rats. But yes, maybe you should put more detail on the rats.
    But I really like the black and white composition.

  2. I loooove the legs. How you stylized them is perfect. The hand holding her skirt up is almost unseeable and I think it's because the folds in the skirt take away from those hand lines. Maybe exaggerate it in way you did with the legs and push it down a bit further? I think the mice are really well done also but a few stand out more than others. (which is totally fine) but some of them are a little mushy clumpy looking. Perhaps more detailed lines?

    Love the composition!

  3. The only thing I think you can do to make this piece work anymore is showing that the hand is lifting the skirt clearer. Great job.

  4. Yea I really like the chaos in the bottom with all the mice or rats. Its not so clear at first but it works really well and its still readable.

  5. the use of black/white shapes is awesomeee. my eye's first drawn to that largest diagonal black shape on the wall, but I think that's because
    we automatically register positive shapes before negative ones, and it still reads clear. the rats look great, adding more detail doesn't seem necessary..i actually really like how there are just tails to indicate some of them, it really gives the sensation that they're swarming.

  6. I agree with brandon, i think you should define the hand lifting the skirt more. otherwise the balance between chaos and readability in this piece is really something.


  7. It's a liiitle unclear and chaotic, maybe it could do without the tile lines underneath all the rats? Or defining the rats a little better? Just something to make it a little more understandable. But I agree with jessica - I love how you stylized the legs.

  8. The woman's legs are a bit unclear it took me a second to recognize them as such. The rats look good and I would just define the hand.
