Friday, February 12, 2010

Positive/Negative Image

By: Justin Schmidt

You can see a faint pencil line marking the edge of the image. i haven't filled the "negative space" in with black because i was afraid it'd over power it, however necessary it may end up being in the final product.

suggestions about adding the black to the large blank space?

or any other suggestions? maybe about the figure in the doorway?


  1. Hey I think all this is missing is the suggestion of space. As in a ceiling and walls. An easy fix would be to just add two lines from both of the door corners. With that said- Id love to see some detail on that left wall. It might make the rabbit thats hanging pop a bit more.

    Sidenote- I wonder what it would look like if the man was white and the doorway was black?

  2. I really think you should go with the black negative space here with that light wire/bulb white. Maybe not go all the way to the bunnies to the bottom, but have sort of a light halo on the wall as if it was coming from the lone lightbulb. Maybe on that note move the shadows on the stairs to the other side?

    I think with this image you really need that like drama of looking into a dark basement, and if everything is black, the environment doesn't really matter. The viewer knows it's dark and they can't see the walls or floor and that's ok

  3. I would go with filling in the negative space with black because it will help bring a weight to the atmosphere by creating a direct light source, the door.

  4. I love the bunny hanging from the lightbulb. If you're afraid that a solid black wall might overpower the piece, maybe going with some black directional lines would still help to give it more of a sense of space, so it looks as if the open door is casting a light down into the otherwise dark basement? Or maybe the bunnies are casting shadows onto the wall.

  5. I think the figures are rendered really well but i think you could use more blacks and negative spaces to create volume and texture.

  6. I love this! I think it is almost perfect. The bunnies are adorable and I like your handeling of the stairs. The man in shadow is ok because his posture clearly shows his confusion. I think you should just make the basement dark.

  7. I totally think that you should fill in the negative space with black - I think that would perfectly give it that tension with the silhouette standing in the doorway like "huh??" The bunnies are hilarious. I especially love the one on the bottom left. His expression is great.
