Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I got the assignment mixed up and inked it already, but i can still go back and change things. The idea is that its a girl who uses make up to cover up the fact that she's not even human. Also, should I do any more revisions on the cat?


  1. wow, this is really great. Her arms and legs work so well in that you've used detail to create an almost grey tone.

    good job~

  2. The composition is really neat and the pattern you created using black and white shapes works really well for the assignment, its really intense

  3. Your kitty is sittin' pretty, the background is a big improvement. The monster lady looks like she took a lot of time and effort and it paid off. creepy as hell. How will she conseal her hideous claws? Though I am not familiar with the make-up brand I got the idea, bold the text or emphasize the container somehow?

  4. i think this is awesome, everything works for me. good job.

  5. I love this I really think you utilized the assignment

  6. Its really strong one. I really like the texture of the woman. I think the composition of the piece is strong and the contrast in the piece is clear. I also really love texture of the cat in the first one.

  7. Like everyone else said, great textures! I think though that the prompt is a little hard to figure out. You could give her a vanity infront or a bigger make-up case with a more noticable make-up brush/sponge.

  8. The patterns of the body looks like a tatoos for me. But her face is surely a monster!
    mirror shape is really cool. Overall, it's very successful.
    I also like your cat piece! The background gives powerful effect on the piece.

  9. Oh la la nice! I really like the way you payed with the composition and her figure and skin, her right arm does seem to get a bit flat but aside form that I like it.

  10. The cat works a LOT better with the background.

    the Positive negative piece is So detailed! props on doing all that with hardly any line work.

    I'm not sure how well I would understand the prompt from this piece without your description, but once I read that it made sense.

    I love this piece though, great job.

  11. I love what you did with the cat piece, and the new piece is very good! I think it's one of my favorites that I've seen from you so far. I wouldn't change anything.

  12. Wow huge improvement from your work last semester! the background definitely added another element and pulls the peice together. Ur positive negative post is really good too. I like all of the different textures that you managed to pull off with just using black and white.

  13. I like the use of shapes and blacks and whites. It definitely give her a monster look. My one issue is maybe that can be pushed. Without your comment, I probably won't have been able to figure out what's going on. I'd think of more ways to give her a more monster look. Still a great piece though.

  14. Hola! I can definatly make the make up container bolder and more noticable. someone suggested to show part of a vanity dresser in the mirrors reflection which would definatly clear up the confusion as to what's happening but at the same time i'm worried about cropping off the shape of the leg cause i think it adds to the strangness of the woman and the mirror shape and. is it worth cropping?

  15. Nice work, it's definitely a lot more legible now. I do wonder if black clothing would make her skin stand out more, though. I don't think adding even more contrast would hurt it. TruBlend is a nice touch as well.

    As for the cat, you might want to bump up the darks underneath him to ground him a bit more. Pretty sweet as it is, though.

  16. The detail work here is impressive to say the least, and the idea is unique. I guess the only complaint I have would be to punch up the text on the...make-up product. Other than that, well done.

  17. Really great job on the piece. I agree with playing more with the text on the make-up product.

  18. That cat is looking so fantastic! I can tell you put a ton of effort into it, really great job! I also love what you've done with the shapes project so far. Your use of pattern and border is really making the idea clear, and I'm glad you chose such a central subject matter to focus your attention on. I do agree that the container needs more of your attention, since it's the last detail standing out.
