Friday, February 26, 2010

Justin Schmidt: Collage 2/26/10

"Han Solo and Meatloaf making breakfast together"


  1. hahahahahahaha

    the top 2/3 of this image is great
    but i think the stove area just needs some more attention. Maybe another pot or burner collaged on to break up that vertical line right under hans arm

  2. I LOVE IT. But I agree with Michelle the stove needs a little more... detail?

  3. So far so good! Just go back in a paint to make things a bit clearer.

  4. lol great. I love the faces, so funny. I just think that other then two figures, there needs to be defined more, like stove area and I don't think you would need to paint the marks on the ceiling.

  5. I love the way you did the collage - the quality and shapes of the cut paper are really expressive! I know that's hard to do, especially with faces. I guess my only problem is that the two figures don't really mesh together as if they were in the same composition - maybe it's the fact that they have different lighting on them that makes them look like they don't really belong together. Overall though, the absurdity of it in general makes it really funny.

  6. I'm really enjoying your color scheme dude. I'd just try to clear up the details with the breakfast, cause it's a little hard to read.

  7. I agree, I got the Hans Solo and Meatloaf part right away without reading the title, but not the breakfast part.. the collage really works with the characters because the silhouettes make them really clear, and I wish the breakfast/stove was done in the same way so you could tell what is going on
