Friday, February 26, 2010

Girl and Pup Collage

by Brandon Wallace

I started out with some magazines pasted on cardboard, scanned them in, and did some digital drawing on top of them. I think im going to print it out, and continue by adding some painted paper.


  1. knowing your collages i think that using photshop is helpful but you need to like make sure that you can keep things neat. Your lines and the shape of the dog get a little weird because of the photoshop brush, maybe that would have been better as a solid shape? maybe try the pen tool (i know the pen tool is the worst) but i really think it will sharpen things up if you want to go that route

  2. I really enjoy the playfulness of these characters and the poses they are in does an awesome job of leading the eye around the paper but again, you are lacking context in the background! The digital work you did on top totally overpowers the collaging you did which is upsetting because it takes more time to do collage work by hand than it does to do a digital collage.
    Overall I like the direction you are going in but lose the digital work, and consider the background, then -maybe- do some slight digital details.

  3. yeah, its cool that you did all the images and then scanned them in and drew on them... but if i had to be honest... i can't tell that that happened at all. Any other viewer might say you just drew in photoshop and that was the end of it. i just can't see any outright evidence of "collage"

  4. I kind of agree with others, I think you lost some of the feelings of collage, but I really like the gestures of the figures. I think it works well with your subject.

  5. I agree that the digital overpowers the collage elements..there should be more integration. I also love the pose of the person playing with the dog. There are some anatomical things that could be looked at more closely the dog, and the standing woman's hand...and the way that the left leg of the person on the ground lines up exactly with her left leg feels awkward to me

  6. The dog looks a bit stiff but it is a good start! I can see were you worked digitally and it's a bit shaky. Don't be afriad to really work ontop of the collage

  7. I guess the problem with the digital thing is that you just covered the whole thing instead of trying to make the two media work together. I like the poses of the figures - they're convincing and natural but I'm also a little confused about what's going on in the picture...
    I guess i'd have to go with what Jessica said - the direction you're going in is good and I like that you really stuck with the whole "cute girl and puppy" thing but it still seems unresolved to me.
