Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All the filled in bits are black of course. There's no gradient, just black and white


  1. sorry, the first bit of that sentence said that all the filled in parts should be black, ignore the gradient please.

  2. I really like the tall, skinny composition. If the background is all black then you could add some more, even thinner, delicate branches leading up so that our eye isn't stuck at the bottom.

  3. I really enjoy this a lot I think the subject is interesting and fun to look at. My only comment would possibly be to make the trees above as interesting as the owls below

  4. The gradient of black from the bottom probably isn't going to fly with the assignment... unless maybe you checkerboard it up?

    actually, I'm not so sure.

    But I am sure that those owls are cool.

  5. I would say fix the gradient above the owls (though as you said that's not your fault) and maybe some more trees.

  6. I just observed the legs of the owl and instantly said " well, that's not what I expected". Which means that your idea of this assignment is very clear. But the middle of the piece seems a little bit boring since it's all black... maybe adding some falling leaves? maybe.

  7. I agree the owls are great, and one the gradient is fixed more branches would work well to break up the space and give it a good environment

  8. That's adorable, I really like it! I love the composition, too. I would just add some tiny branches in the middle or some other element to make it not as bare.

  9. This is hilarious. It took me a second before I saw the legs on the owls, its subtle but then when I saw it I laughed a lot.
    The bottom of the piece is strong, but I agree with Holly that some more thinner branches leading upward would help my circulate around the image more easily.

  10. I think you need to have a branch or two sweep into that empty black space to break it up more and move the eye around. The owls are great!

  11. I'm not sure how this will look in stark black and white because of the negative verses positive space, but i really really like this!

  12. Nice composition! I would bring the trees into the middle a bit more just so your eye doesn't get lost into the middle though

  13. this is really funny. i like the subtlety of the humor. i think blacked out its going to look good. i think some different shapes and some detail in the trees would balance the weight of the piece.

  14. the legs are really funny looking, but im distracted by all of the negative space inbetween the walking owls and the trees. Im wondering wat it will look like when you completely black out the sky. Im assuming thats wat your planning on doing. I definitely think there should be more emphasis on the owls with legs so you know right away what the unexpected element is.

  15. This is absolutely great. I like how the unexpected nature of this is stuck at the bottom and it takes you a second to realize, but not as a fault of clarity. It may lose some of it's height in the transition to pure blacks, but it should be strong regardless.

  16. I seriously, actually jumped a bit when I saw their legs. It was almost restful before that. It reads like a joke, building up from the top down to the punch-line at the bottom, and as such the gradient really helps.

    Perhaps make it taller?

  17. dear goodness thats terrifying!

    Lara- i would definitely add some more branches, thin even, to draw the eye up toward the top main branches. I wouldnt "create" a gradient wit shapes or stripes or anything, but i would create a "faux gradient" via these branches-- break up the space some.

    and the only little tweak id make with respect to the owls is, id scoot the one on the right in a little more from the edge. he's running off the page. Make the whole "canvas" a little-- maybe 1/2"-- wider on the right, so the bird can sit comfortably in the space and not feel like he's cramped-- and we can see the branch they are on complete its thought, so to speak, and exit the page.


  18. Fantastic concept, those legs are the best, great little surprise and fits the prompt perfectly. I would add more space to the right to give the second owl more room to breathe, and maybe a little bit of space on the bottom - maybe a lot of space! This piece could look awesome as a really long strip, experiment and cut of the excess if need be.
