Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine Final

Watercolor and Colored Pencil


  1. Daydreaming of love for another! Cute idea! The way this piece is drawn is very nice but I would get rid of the thought bubble around the animal who is day dreaming because they're in reality.

  2. I like the characters, and the color scheme a lot. I am a bit confused by the thought bubbles, and I think that the same message could have been achieved through them giving each other sly glances, or say they were doodling things about each other on their papers.

  3. aw I love that they're beasts instead of people and your forced wonky perspective is suuuper cool! I wish the background were a little more informed so I could figure out where they are. I assume school, but I'd like to see a clock or some pictures or posters or something

  4. This is quite cute and definitely could be sold as Valentine's day card. The thought bubbles are a nice touch, but they also seem to be taking over the picture just a little too much. It would be nice to see everything else just a little more defined, so as to fully bring out the setting where this is taking place.

  5. This is very cute and very clever way of depicting daydreaming of each other. i love how you blend two different spaces together very nicely. Also, your choice of having background in one flat color really make your two main characters to pop out. my only wish would be a little bit more information for both background. lovely illustration!

  6. This is really cute. The characters are very fun to look at, as well as the overall composition. I am a little confused to as why there are two thought bubbles.

  7. Great coloring and style, but I don't think I see a romantic aspect of this. It just kind of look like a daydream between two friends, because I can't tell the expression on the horse creature's face. Interesting concept and idea by the way, maybe just make the romantic situation more clear it can get better!

  8. This is so cute!!! The medium is handled really beautifully and I really enjoy the level of detail and light value of this piece, beautiful :)

  9. Great concept! I like the colors. Bubbles are very creative that makes couple more interesting and related with each other. but the face of horse is subtle. does she like him or hate him? horse's face is confusing little bit to me.

  10. I love the use of color that you are using its the right amount of contrast to create emphasis. I only wished there was more detail in the main characters and the desk to make them really stand out.

  11. I love the colors and the concept. Those thought bubbles are adorable and the animals are really nicely done.

    The only thing that isn't really clicking with me is the arrangement of the background. You took some liberties with the perspective in a way that doesn't seem like you were very confident with how you were choosing to describe that space. Desks are also usually lined in columns/rows right? It looks like you started that way with the ones in the back, and then started putting them in a rounded line, like a fish eye view, which clashes with the perspective and columns of everything behind it.

  12. A being thinking of another being is cute. I really love your use of color. I don't know if it's the scanner, but the colors look like it's washed off. I think slightly coloring over the watercolor once it dries with colored pencils would help define things more in the scene. I like how unique the animals look. This illustration gives me a 'school crush' feeling.

  13. This is wonderful. I really like the idea and I think you've created the story really well. I kind of wish there was more balance between whats going on outside of the thought bubbles and whats going on inside.

  14. A big improvement from your sketch! The scene is really nice and I love your characters. All I would say is more attention to the shadows, If you made them a little darker the scene would pop even more!

  15. I like the soft color scheme of this piece. Really great concept.
    I think these are supposed to be animals that are not usually recognizable or cliche, but they still look a little unidentifiable to me. Maybe you could've made the figures in the bubbles more saturated. Also, the guy in the front feels a bit distracting to me.
    I get how they're supposed to be in a classroom, but the desk placement is a little awkward, and I feel like having them in a single file or something would've fixed the perspective more.

  16. The mood and tone of this piece are so well done thanks to the color scheme here!

    I really love the expressions on the characters, and they themselves are really well-designed.

    I'm a little confused by the thought bubbles, though; I feel like they clutter the composition a bit.

    Maybe adding some contrast/detail outside the main two would help?

  17. Cute idea- I like the characters and attention to their details/ facial expression. I would bump up the colors- they look too dim.

  18. co-daydreaming--- super cute.

    i don't mind the obviousness/ largeness of the thought bubbles but i think the composition could be differently considered which might've made those feel more at home there (less like they're taking over).

    Its a hard perspective you've set yourself up with though, so i think you did a good job with what you were working with. With more time or another round of edits, shifting the main (front) character to the right bottom and the 2ndary character to the back left, I think would've allowed you to play with space more and still used your bubbles.

    the characters are adorable and i love that they are animals… sorta.

    a little more value pop would help too.

  19. I like that they are not humans but animals. I think with out the connecting dot or bubble we can tell that they are thinking about each other


  20. I think its cute and like the pastel color palette. But I am confused with the space. if its two separate space.
    I thinks its nicer to separate them completely. I love the cute characters including characters in the background.

  21. So cute!
    I really enjoy being able to look at this piece and pick out each of the little animal characters. They're all so unique and so precious.
    I do agree with Dana that you set yourself up for a pretty difficult perspective, but you definitely played it up to your advantage nicely.
    Popping the characters in the thought bubbles with either more saturation or contrast will really help with bringing them forward and helping them shine.
    It's so cute and cheesy, I can't help but want them to finally be together.
