Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Final sketch for "Love" assignment

Final will be done in ink and markers

Papercut of Laura Taylor!


  1. I would work on the dog's bottom jaw more.

  2. This is a sweet idea. :) I would suggest bringing the dog into the composition more and maybe even zooming out. I can't tell if she's holding the dog up, or if someone's holding it in her face.


  3. I like the idea of having love be between woman and dog rather than two humans. Would giving this card to someone say "I love you like a dog?"

    My critique would be to work on the bottom jaw of the dog (like Marissa said) but also to experiment with the reaction on the woman's face as well. She's a bit concrete now, and it'd be nice to see her pull away as humans naturally do.

  4. I think the idea is very precious :) I agree with Rachel of zooming out and show the dog's body a bit more. Also, I think it would be better if you eliminate some details on her hair, for balance purpose. Good luck!

  5. I agree with Rachel and Grace that the composition be zoomed out to show more of the woman and dog.

  6. So cute! I agree with the others about zooming it out so you can see more of the woman and the dog. Maybe have an indication of something in the background to break blank space on the left and top.

  7. I agree with what was said previously, but perhaps maybe having the dog coming from the bottom right? This would kind of eliminate the possibility of the dog being held in front of her face (or maybe it is). I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm trying to say.
    But very precious, perhaps maybe extending the composition to the right?

  8. Such a cute concept! Right now it's looking a bit flat, as if the dog were in front of the woman instead of cuddling with her. Maybe bring the dog into her lap and show them cuddling like that? The biggest issue here is the composition, and once you get that figured out, you'll have a very successful piece. :)

  9. The woman is handled very nicely, and the previous statements are all accurate, however the dog's tongue I think needs as much attention as the jaw, if not more. It looks as if the tongue is tilted toward the viewer as opposed to be flat against the jaw.

  10. I think it will make a big difference to pay more attention to the areas where the dog makes contact with the woman. How is he supported?
