Tuesday, March 23, 2010


order: deadly, cluttered, simple, quiet, vast, intimate


  1. You're right on with the quiet and simple. I read your simple though as kind of a vast piece too though. Cluttered could work very well, I'd get rid of the clearing you have in front of the trees to push the word a little more, and in deadly the rocks could look a bit more menacing if they were sharper, like the water had carved places away by falling onto the rocks in certain places.

  2. deadly: make the rocks jagged
    cluttered: I'd put something in that open space in the foreground
    simple: I'd get rid of or at least make smaller the mountains and have only on bush; make that the focus that there's only one
    quiet: the road implies cars and noise from traffic, I'd think about edting the road maybe
    vast: can't think of anything; looks good
    intimate: maybe a sunset and smoke coming out of the chimney implying people sitting by and enjoying a fire (or would that add people to the scene)

  3. I'm not so sure if intimate is working for me (I don't really see what's intimate about it), same for deadly. I think it could be a little deadlier. Clutter could be more cluttered, but I like the piece overall. Simple, quiet, and vast are my favorites out of all of them. They fit the prompts and they are well drawn.

  4. Clutterd, simple, and vast, those three are the best out of them i think. However, you could put more touch ups that cluttered one can get more crazy with different sizes or even broken trees. By getting rid of some of the grass, simple one can be more clean and simple. Also by exaggerating perspective, vast one can be improved.

  5. these are hard to choose between, well developed, though intimate doesn't quite register at first. if you use it maybe make it look more cozy family farm-ish. i really like the idea of deadly but maybe make the rocks a little more jagged and have a bigger splash at the bottom or else it looks like a small waterfall.

  6. Excellent sketches, all really effective, and very naturalistic!

    Deadly - I'm not seeing the threat in this yet - it COULD be threatening, given the right elements, but right now it just looks appealing. Also, be sure to keep the composition square.

    Cluttered - Although this image is technically cluttered, it's also expected to see a lot of trees in one place. So it evokes feelings of peace and harmony instead of messy or over-crowded.

    Simple - Not quite simple enough yet - as landscapes go, it's beautiful, but it could be pared down more.

    Quiet - This does feel pleasant and quiet to me, spot on.

    Vast - This one is very effective, almost there. You might think about making all the trees smaller, to make the mountains feel bigger.

    Intimate - Very similar to quiet, and not really any more intimate yet. It's pleasing, but it's not an environment I feel a one-on-one connection with, especially not with so much sky and road. I would choose something closer.

  7. deadly is beautiful, I like how you're working with the materials but there is not enough drama or impending doom for a life-threatening vibe. unless that is an explosion in black at the top? perhaps clarify the upper part of the page. You have a nice sense of light in all of them and quiet creates a lovely atmosphere with pretty puddleness at the bottom there. For a third final I would probably go with simple, fun colors to be had. your forest isn't really giving me a cluttered feel but great execution.

  8. These are very nice sketches. Very classic and well executed. I like deadly, cluttered, vast ones. Especially, the first one look like eastern painting on rice paper. I don't have anything much to say. They looks really nice! I want to see final color ones so badly.

  9. Vast, simple, and quiet are my favorites. Quiet scares me a little. I guess because its so quiet it feels like it would be haunted. Color i think would impact that one the most so think of colors that best represent the kind of quiet you're going for.

  10. Deadly: The ink wash is nice, great variety of tones. Works for the word as well.

    and then Vast and Intimate.

    I like the trees and mountains a lot in vast, well drawn like the rest.

    Intimate: The tree on the left splits the picture really nicely and the fence on the right helps to move my eye around the image. I like this one a lot.

  11. Deadly is by far the best. If you can make the others that lively, you'll be golden.

  12. Simple is my favorite. I feel like the space in the foreground of cluttered isn't aiding you so perhaps zoom in on that one and emphasize the presence of the trees. Aside from that, awesome!

  13. Simple strikes me more as vast, but I see what you're going for. Having said that, vast and simple are each fantastic, and I think you should stick with both of them. I like cluttered, but I agree that maybe removing some of the foreground space would emphasize the cluttered aspect.

  14. deadly vast and quiet are definitely my favorites. all of these are very well drawn and have though out compositions. quiet and intimate look very simple though. so if your going to do both of those you might want to think of a way to separate the two images

  15. all of the sketches are beautifully handled in detail and work well with the words. a few could be emphasized a bit more. my favorites are deadly simple and quiet, but i also like intimate a lot but it is similar to quiet

  16. deadly simple and vast are the ones that strike me. The way you handled the ink in deadly is very alluring in its confidence and I think that it is interesting in that it is so different from your other sketches. I wouldn't say that you should change your style, but I really think you could work with ink in that way to come up with some really strong work.

  17. deadly simple and vast are the ones that strike me. The way you handled the ink in deadly is very alluring in its confidence and I think that it is interesting in that it is so different from your other sketches. I wouldn't say that you should change your style, but I really think you could work with ink in that way to come up with some really strong work.
